Parks and Recreation: Created by Greg Daniels, Michael Schur. With Amy Poehler, Aubrey Plaza, Nick Offerman, Jim O'Heir. The absurd antics of an Indiana town's public officials as they pursue sundry projects to make their city a better place.
CityHallneedsanewpart-timesecurityguardfortheweekends. 你想干吗 Youwanttodothat? 看做是一个弄清楚你想不想做警hearts;察hearts;的机会 Lookatitasawaytofeeloutwhetheryouwanttobeapoliceofficer. 但记住了如果你接受这份工作 But,keepinmind,ifyoutakethisjob, 你必须一直穿着衣服 youmustkeepyourclothesonatal...
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第五季第二十二集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,好了 各位 看看你们的文件夹里 Okay, everyone. Look in your folders. 你们会找到关于创立者周的信息 You will find information about founder's week. 而在我们开始头脑风暴之
Parks and Recreation《公园与游憩(2009)》第六季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,您好 我是Leslie Knope 我来这里 Hello, I am Leslie Knope, and I am here 是参加公园部副主任岗位的面试 to interview for the Deputy Parks Director job. Leslie 这也太扯了 Leslie,
Hi. 我叫Leslie Knope 在公园与娱乐部工作 My name is Leslie Knope, and I work for the Parks and Recreation Department. 我可以问你几个问题吗 Can I ask you a few questions? 你觉得你现在是玩得很开心 Would you say that you are, Enjoying yourself and having fun, 一般开心 有点开心 having...
系统标签: 公园 中英文 剧本 recreation parks forp 众所周知Pawnee是全美第四肥胖的城市Pawneeyouallknow,fourthmostobesecityAmerica.马上就是第三了我们要追上你了圣安东尼奥Soonnumberthree.We'recomingyou,SanAntonio.我们不要我们要瘦下来slimmingdown.就从市政厅这里开始StartingrighthereCityHall.我要实施一个全政...
就从市政厅这里开始 Starting right here at City Hall. 我要实施一个全政♥府♥的健康倡议 I am implementing a government-wide health initiative. 我们可以开市政厅躲避球联赛 We could have a City Hall dodgeball league! 我先选队员 我选的就... 文档格式:DOCX | 页数:25 | 浏览次数:5...
文档标签: 中英文对照 系统标签: 公园 ficuses 中英文 hearts 剧本 recreation 嗯蜜月也太棒了 Well,thehoneymoonwasamazing. 我们看到的车站 Wesawthebusstop 曾是少年奥巴马坐着等车的地方 whereayoungBarackObamausedtositandwaitforthebus. 理论上-有可能 Theoretically.-It'spossible. 然后我们去了檀香山市政厅...
He has been with the City of Denison since May 2022. The department also has two other full-time employees, Assistant Aquatic Director and Kipp Corbin, Program Director. The governing board for Denison Parks & Recreation Department is the Parks and Recreation Commission. To visit the Denison ...