Later additions to the cast included Ben Wyatt (Adam Scott), a deadpan accountant trying to live down his disastrous past as the former 18-year-old mayor of another Midwestern town, and Chris Traeger (Rob Lowe), an auditor whose intense dedication to healthy living is outmatched only by his...
Parks and Recreation: Created by Greg Daniels, Michael Schur. With Amy Poehler, Aubrey Plaza, Nick Offerman, Jim O'Heir. The absurd antics of an Indiana town's public officials as they pursue sundry projects to make their city a better place.
Series: Parks and Rec 11 Ann Perkins Rashida Jones 1,916 votes Ann Perkins, Leslie's best friend, is a nurse who later takes a part-time position with Pawnee's department of public health. Ann initially meets Leslie when she requests that an abandoned construction pit be filled, which Lesl...
Season 4 has a handful of "classic" Parks and Rec episodes. These are the episodes that are tightly written and have memorable lines or scenes that fans of the show mention constantly. "Pawnee Rangers" is a classic episode, not only because it has a great main plotline, but also because...
‘Parks and Recreation’ Creator Pays Tribute to Andrew Luck 'Parks and Rec' co-creator Mike Schur said the Indianapolis Colts quarterback was "an absolute delight" when he made a cameo on the NBC comedy in 2013. TV News Aug 26, 2019 8:29 am By Rick Porter Adam Scott Tells Mitch...
Schur said he "didn't think that Parks and Rec' was ever going to reunite," but the ongoingcoronaviruspandemic presented a "compelling reason" to bring the cast back together. Proceeds from the special will go toward Feeding America's COVID-19 Response Fund. ...
Westlake Parks and Rec has done their best to stay open while adhering to the ever-changing restrictions put upon them during 2020. KPLC spoke with the recreational manager, Lesly Deville, about what activities might be expected as we get closer and closer to the summer. Deville told KPLC th...
and full of life. It's really an example of how the stoic Asian dad you have right now, he probably wasn't like that his whole life. He probably had hopes and dreams, he had love and regrets, disappointments and triumphs, and he just hasn't told you about them, and so the movie...
In this critical analysis, I interrogate the efforts of elite education reformers to cast market-based school choice reforms as descendants of civil rights movement policies. Drawing from multidisciplinary research, including educational policy, history, and sociology, as well as the voices of ...
Looking at the numbers of TVD and Reign that have been renewed. Then I look at Star Crossed which has had little or no help on a Monday and remained constant. How are these shows renewed when the figures aren’t any better week in and week out. Yet Star Crossed without a major lead...