Wecanandwewill,becausewhenweusedtoworkhere, 帮助人们就是我们的工作 helpingpeoplewasourjob. 忘掉那些老故事吧 Forgetabouttheseoldstories. 我们来创造个新的我们来修这架秋千 Letsmakeanewone.Letsfixthisswing. 公园与娱乐帮的最后一程谁要加入 OnelastridefortheParksandRecgang.Whosin? 行啊 eah! *投票是...
Your Parks And Rec Preferences Will Determine Your Final Grade In Pop Culture Pawnee, Indiana is home to Lil' Sebastian, Wamapoke burial grounds, and Tom's Bistro. You'll also find your final grade in Pop Culture based on the decisions you make during your stay. Remember: When you're he...