Hi everyone, I am posting this instructable so that everyone can contribute their own parkour/freerunning moves. As bballchamp kindly pointed out, there is a line between freerunning and parkour. Parkour is about being efficient and quick in what you do to reach your destination using the lea...
“I asked my friends to help me walk, and little by little I came to move and jump almost like them,” he said, talking in a rehabilitation center which he visits at least once a week. Parkour, an extreme sport also known as free-running, originated in France in the 1990s. It invol...
time I train. I am blessed to have been given all of the opportunities Parkour and Freerunning created for me. I want to share the sport with anyone who is looking to improve themselves both physical and mentally, because Parkour is not just a sport, it’s a community and a lifestyle....