Parkinson disease [ˈpɑ:kinsən diˈzi:z] 释义 帕金森病 实用场景例句 全部 Epilepsy andParkinson diseasefalls into backbone nerve functional disease. 癫痫和帕金森病属中枢神经功能性疾病. 互联网 Neurosurgery inParkinson disease: A distressed mind in a repaired body?
帕金森病(Parkinson’s disease,PD)由Parkinson(1817)首先以震颤麻痹(paralysis agitans)的名称描述。PD是以黑质纹状体多巴胺(DA)能神经元变性缺失和路易小体形成为特征的一种常见的中老年人神经系统变性疾病。本病患病率综合世界各国的资料在10-405/10万之间,从我国的资料来看,居民患病率为44/10万,属于帕金森低...
Parkinson disease (PD) 帕金森病is a degenerative condition退行性疾病 of the brain associated with motor symptoms (slow movement动作迟缓, tremor震颤, rigidity僵硬 and imbalance不平衡) and other complications including cognitive impairment认知障碍...
Parkinson's Disease 帕金森病又称特发性帕金森病(idiopathic Parkinson’s disease,PD),简称Parkinson病,也称为震颤麻痹(paralysis agitans,shaking palsy),是中老年人常见的神经系统变性疾病,也是中老年人最常见的锥体外系疾病。 65岁以上人群患病率为1000/10万,随年龄增高,男性稍多...
帕金森病(parkinson's disease, PD)是常见的中老年神经系统退行性疾病,以静止性震颤、四肢肌肉强直或僵硬、动作迟缓、姿势平衡障碍这四大症状为显著特征。 静止性震颤,就是指在静止不动的时候,手还颤抖个不停,以拇指、食指及中指的震颤最为明显,表现为手指像在搓丸子或数钞票一样的运动,紧张时还会加剧,入睡后消失...
Find the latest research in npj Parkinson's Disease, an open access, peer reviewed journal with a 6.7 Impact Factor and 11 days to first decision.
帕金森病(Parkinson's disease)又称"震颤麻痹",巴金森氏症或柏金逊症。该病是一种常见于中老年的神经系统变性疾病,多在60岁以后发病。主要表现为患者动作缓慢,手脚或身体的其它部分的震颤,身体失去了柔软性,变得僵硬。最早系统描述该病的是英国的内科医生詹母·帕金森,当时还不知道该病应该归入哪一类疾病,称该病...
FDA Approves Wearable Infusion Device for Advanced Parkinson Disease HealthDayFeb. 6, 2025 Conductor Daniel Barenboim Says He's Been Diagnosed With Parkinson's Disease Conductor Daniel Barenboim says he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease Associated PressFeb. 6, 2025 Ozempic-Type Drug Fails...
Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder, which is characterized by motor symptoms such as tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement and problems with gait. Motor symptoms are often accompanied with fatigue, depression, pain and cognitive problems. ...
Parkinson disease (PD) is a long-term movement disorder. The brain cells that control movement start to die and cause changes in how you move, feel, and act. Even though PD may progress and have a severe impact on your daily life, it is not a life-threatening disease. ...