-To lock the property and put the keys through the letterbox (unless instructed otherwise). -Ensure all the lights are switched off. -All the heating is reset (switched off). -All rubbish should be left in the waste disposal room/site. Please note if the tenant fails to comply with ...
US$30.00-45.00/ Meter 20 Meters(MOQ) Contact Now Factory Custom Stainless Steel Railing Fabrication Welding Steel Technology Products Customized Sheet Metal Welding Parts Fabricate Galvanized Steel Bend Weld Processing Construction Parts for Water Tank5.01 Reviews ...
Led Motorcycle Atv Lcd anti-fall Speedometer Tachometer Meter Gauge Fuel Meter Motor Odometer assembly Digital instrument panel $41.00 - $42.75 Min. order: 50 pieces Electric scooter ignition key switch lock key ignition switch land cruiser ignition switch with keys $0.29 - $0.42 Min. order: ...
One application describes an input device, such as a computer mouse, equipped with one or more force and motion detection sensors. How the device is handled relative to a surface — say, a desk — would be interpreted by the device and shared with the computer. This data could be used...
Parking on a single yellow line is prohibited within the hours of operation of the nearest meter or pay-and-display bay. Parking within any area marked with a zigzag or double yellow line is prohibited. On a red line, or a double red line, even stopping is forbidden. Drivers caught ...
for this. Check-in and check-out outside of advertised times is only possible by prior arrangement and is subject to additional charge. At the time of the check out the tenant must ensure: -The property is left in a clean and tidy condition. -To lock the property and put the keys ...