The driver got a Parking Charge Notice from Horizon Parking (again…). The usual template has been used obviously not naming the driver. Same reason, overstaying. Last year in September they cancelled the PCN, this time they rejected the appeal. ...
Have you received aPenalty Charge Notice? Do you hold adriving licence? Are you aUK Citizen? If you answeredYEStoANYof the above questions then read on! Fact of the day:In 2008 over £7 million worth of parking fines were issued ...
Love it how they mention this "It is only human nature when faced with a parking charge notice to seek advice online for a way to avoid payment, however the information received is usually incorrect and serves to do nothing more than waste the reader’s time."Is it because 99.99% we man...
Make these fast steps to edit the PDF Nassau county handicap parking permit online free of charge: Sign up and log in to your account. Sign in to the editor with your credentials or click Create free account to examine the tool’s capabilities. Add the Nassau county handicap parking permit...
skills and equipment required for email and web usage. Please note that this service is designed for new appeals i.e. where no representation or appeal has yet been lodged against a Penalty Charge Notice ("PCN") issued by a local authority or Transport for London PCN. Please note that the...
On the abovementioned date, I was surprised to find that I had been given a penalty charge notice regardless of having paid for a parking and ticket. I did consult the parking attendant who assured me that I could park the car upon making a payment. ...
I submitted my appeal to G24 using the standard online template making sure I did not disclose driver details or admit to being the driver, to which I received a generic reply and refusal which stated that I must either name the driver or pay the invoice/charge or potentially face legal ...