She is the co-founder of Mindfulness WV. (Photo Provided) Newsletter Today's breaking news and more in your inbox Email(Required) I'm interested in (please check all that apply)(Required) Daily Newsletter Breaking News Obituaries Are you a paying subscriber to the newspaper?(Required) Y...
”There will be a lot of opportunities for people to come out and show their patriotism,” Fish said. ”I am really excited.” The SAR is a“lineage”society. Each member has documented his family tree back to an ancestor who supported the cause of American Independence du...
MeowinWV , 2014/04/11 Disappointed. I used to love this app but now in an attempt to force people to buy subscriptions (for incredible prices), all articles come in 3's. Even the obituaries come in 3's. I feel really bad for the families of the 4th+ loved ones that pass away...
The society offers informative monthly meetings and an interesting, 20-page quarterly newsletter. Dues are just $20/year. Send to: WCHPS, P.O. Box 565, Parkersburg, WV 26102.
Sunday’s concert was conducted by WVSO Music Director Lawrence Loh with guest pianist Orion Weiss. Prior to the concert, Loh and Weiss gave a free lecture to anyone who wanted to attend. Orion Weiss, left, guest pianist, and Lawrence Loh, musical director of the West Virginia ...