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Parker Hannifin is The Global Leader in Motion & Control Technologies. Within Parker's eight operating groups, the company's engineering expertise spans the core motion technologies - electromechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic - with a full complement o
- Tube: 919/919J/919U - Natural FDA Compliant PTFE 919B - Black Static-Dissipative PTFE - Reinforcement: 304 Stainless Steel braid - Use hose type 919B with static-dissipative core tube when conveying non-conducting fluids such as oils, paints, fuels, steam, etc. - Burst pressure is 4x ...
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Parker Stainless Steel 5 Valve Manifold DS5 TS 8 84 PARKER S33-EB5 PNEUMATIC ROTARY CYLINDER ACTUATOR 500PSI *NO LABELS* 58185 Parker AC890PX Control Module, Model: 890CM-A-US-00-?00... Parker Rotary Actuator PTR201-1003F-P?C23-C _ PTR2011003FPC2?3C _ PSI 250 Lot of 4 Parker Skin...
cally anodised aluminium and stainless steel end cover bolts mean that the valves are suited or use in di cult environments as standard. High reliability Standard valve is tted with a 22 mm solenoid having Industrial connector or sizes 1, 2 and 3. ...
Parker Autoclave Engineers 手动阀门操作和维护手册说明书 MANUAL VALVE SERIES 10V 10VRMM MV/MVE SW 10P/15P 10SM/20SM 30VM 30VRMM 60VM 60VRMM 100VM