Found this in dad's Parker pen stash,I think its a desk set item made by Parker many moons ago.I wonder if its worth anything? Enjoy,(I think!!). FarmBoy Member - Gold 11.4k Location:SFO USA Posted November 4, 2013 Poor thing has a bolt stuck is his dairy aire. Need to fin...
派克笔公司(Parker Pen Company)1888年由乔冶‧斯坦福‧派克于美国威斯康辛州简斯维尔市成立,因制造世界几乎最有名望与收集性的笔而著称。 创始人乔冶‧派克曾是约翰荷兰金笔公司的销售代理。他于1889年获得首个钢笔相关的专利。1894年派克的"Lucky Curve"专利获准,该专利用于在钢笔不使用时将多余的墨水送回笔中...
Parker appoggiò la penna e disse gentilmente: «Alan, io posso aiutarti davvero solo se sei onesto con me». Parker put down his pen and said gently, “Alan, the only way I can effectively help you is if you are honest with me.” Literature ...
Making a donation is an act of generosity. Your support, however modest it might be, is necessary. Be it because you love or enjoy Anti-Adblock Killer. Your donations help to continue to support and improve this project! Benefits: Your queries will be given the highest priority, and you w...
Claire Danes - 小李子96版朱丽叶,国土安全女主 & Hugh Dancy 老婆 (2007 至今)帅哥的判断就不多嘴了。。。 Billy 和 Mary 从1996年开始约会,到2003年在一起第八年了,决定要个孩子,然后 Billy 接到片子和 Clarie 搭戏,就天雷勾动地火突然遇见真爱了,孩子也不要了,立马分手美滋滋和新女友同居上了。。。
taking up his pen again.Yes, seven had gone, and while the six were still small her husband wastaken ill with consumption. It was flour on the lungs, the doctor told herat the time...Her husband sat up in bed with his shirt pulled over hishead, and the doctor's finger drew a ...
Pensai a tutti gli anni che avevamo trascorso insieme io e lei, Alan e Jean Parker contro il mondo. I thought of all the years she and I had spent together, Alan and Jean Parker against the world. Literature Quando la porta si fu richiusa alle loro spalle, Parker disse: «Alan...