Avec un chiffre d'affaires annuel de 10 milliards de dollars, Parker Hannifin est le leader mondial dans la production de composants et de systèmes de commande, offrant des solutions élaborées avec précision pour un large éventail de marchés (commerce, mobile, industrie et aérospatiale). ...
Stock Quote Parker-Hannifin Corporation New York Stock Exchange: PH Frequency:10M Combination chart with 2 data series. Feb 10 - Feb 14 Performance QuoteMedia Interactive chart. The chart has 1 X axis displaying Time. Range: 2025-02-10 08:31:06 to 2025-02-14 12:38:54. ...
公司还提到,债券承销商及其关联方与Parker-Hannifin有商业往来,包括作为公司循环信贷额度的贷款人。一些承销商可能持有公司即将到期的债券,因此可能会收到本次新发行所得资金的一部分。 该SEC文件还包括了与发行相关的法律意见,并确认债券是根据2023年9月5日签订的契约发行的,The Bank of New York Mellon Trust Compa...
it was followed in June 1962 by Parker-Hannifin NMF GmbH in Cologne, West Germany, a subsidiary gained by the purchase of Niehler Maschinenfabriek, a manufacturer of hydraulic components. These two new channels brought the company a stronger market for valves, pumps,...
Parker Hannifin Corp marked 50 years since its initial public offering (IPO) at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) by chairman, CEO and president Donald Washkewicz ringing the closing bell on 24 April 2014.doi:10.1016/S1365-6937(14)70146-7None...
Learn more about Parker Hannifin. Find jobs, explore benefits, and research company culture at Built In.
In the early 1950s, the firm's executives set a goal to make Parker, as The New York Times put it, "the General Electric of fluid power", a goal it generally achieved in the coming decades.[11] In 1957, the company purchased Hannifin, a producer of valve and cylinder products, and...
派克汉尼汾分析报告 The Analysis Report of Parker Hannifin 编 制:叶 昌 隆二零一零年十二月 ??一、派克集团的基本情况 Parker Hannifin (派克汉尼汾) 集团公司总部设在美国俄亥俄州的克利夫兰 (Cleveland),是一家遍及全球的运动和控制技术及系统的多产业生产商。它总共有125 个部门,287个厂房,遍及全球各地,共有...
Parker Hannifin 在2012 财年的销售额超过 130 亿美元,是全球领先的运动与控制技术和系统的多元化制造商,为多种商业、工业和航空市场提供精确设计的解决方案。 派克汉尼汾中国成立于20世纪80年代,是中国对外开放及国外直接投资以来,最早成立的三家外国合资企业之一。派克汉尼汾中国在中国拥有2000多条产品线,产品涵盖50多...
The Company and Taiyo Ltd. (Osaka, Japan) announced their agreement to form a global strategic alliance, with a 40% equity investment by Parker in Taiyo. The transaction is to be completed in March. Completed the divestiture of assets related to the Wynn Warranty business, including stock of...