2 Wire Braid Reinforcement Hydraulic Hose, Series 381 Parker派克流体连接件Parker fluid connectors 派克381软管是液压行业标准的软管,压力范围为400-88 bar(5800-1300 PSI),其特点是满足市场需求。ISO 1436 2SN型,SAE 100R2 AT,EN 853 2SN型。Parker's 381 hose is a hydraulic industry standard hose that ...
The advantages of UGW high pressure washer hoses:1. Non-marking, with different color such as blue,yellow,grey,black ctc with smooth&wrapped cover.2. High wear resistance and flexibility.3.The working pressure:4200psi for 1wire, 6000psi for 2 wire.4. Every batch...
1CA70-15-8-ONLY372 ONLY FOR 372-8 HOSE 1CE70-15-8-ONLY372 ONLY FOR 372-8 HOSE 1CF70-15-8-ONLY372 ONLY FOR 372-8 HOSE 1C970-16-8-ONLY372 ONLY FOR 372-8 HOSE GEO10LR1/2OMDCF GEO10LR1/2OMDCF GEO18LR3/4OMDCF Male stud connector 16F78-16-20 CRIMP FITTING 1C955-20-12 ...
CompactSpiralhoses,simplifying fittingselectionandreducinghose- endinventory. FormoreinformationaboutCompactSpiralhosespleaserefertopagesDa-14andDa-16 北京威士乐机电设备有限公司电话***-***66传真***-***8268网站.vexroth •1/2thebendradiusof SAE100...
Parker 耐用水泥管筋、配件和设备说明说明书
派克功能接头卡套FM管接头,parker卡套接头派克碳钢硬管接头,Parker VOMO卡套预装体是装配EO浙进式卡套和30mm以上管径的EO-2型卡套的必备工具,派克功能接头卡套FM管接头,parker卡套接头派克碳钢硬管接头,Parker VOMO卡套预装体内锥孔底设有特殊的环形标记尖角,能自动在经过正确预装配的钢管端面刻上标记。这为检验预装配的...
This unit comes complete with two die rings. Dies are available to crimp a wide range of steel and stainless steel fittings onto a variety of hoses, including four-spiral (SAE 100R12) through 1-1/4˝ and six-spiral (SAE 100R13) through 1˝. Height: 37-1/2˝; Depth: 33˝; ...
Parker Hose 产品目录说明书 More of what you need to work smarter,Accessories V i s u a l I n d e x
Gleason GR015541 SPL Shaft For Series K Hose Reel (Missing Parts) Glo-Quartz F3SB/SB-12JJ31-E3X-EP Flange Heater 12000W 480V 14.4A 316SS K13 GMA Gammerler ELE-192 Circuit Board Precision Graphics GMA Prism PB5 PC Board Repaired in 2021 ...