Park Seo-joon. Actor: Ssam maiwei. Park was born on December 16, 1988 in Seoul as the oldest of three brothers. After graduation from An-Nam high school, he attended Seoul Institute of the Arts and enlisted for mandatory military service in 2008. Park m
朴叙俊 Park Seo Joon 1/7 翻摄自Park Seo Joon YouTube频道Record PARK's 韩国人气男演员朴叙俊早在去年7月便开设个人YouTube频道,与粉丝分享日常生活和工作幕后花絮,怎料却被骇客入侵,频道里所有的影片都被删除。虽然他非常心痛,但也立刻开设新频道,如今已突破100万人订阅...
Park Seo-joon. Actor: Ssam maiwei. Park was born on December 16, 1988 in Seoul as the oldest of three brothers. After graduation from An-Nam high school, he attended Seoul Institute of the Arts and enlisted for mandatory military service in 2008. Park m
I dont think JiSoo is some genius actor. My feelings are what happens when you like an actor and you want good roles for them which in kdrama land is for them to be the lead actors so that you can root for them with the girl...or in the rare drama when there are two co...
6.Park Seo Joon Park Seo Joonwith his famous roles in Korean dramas like Fight for My Way, Itaewon Class, What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim, She Was Pretty and Gyeongseong Creature amongst many hit dramas. He has also appeared in movies like Concrete Utopia, ...
I’m sure Lee Sang-yub’s character may have something to do with this disruption. He will play a biology teacher, a kind man who loves all living things. While you could describe him as innocent and unerringly gentle, you could also fault him for having no connection to reality, like...
BTS防彈少年團的V金泰亨與朴敘俊一起合演Dinsey+實境節目《In The Soop:友情旅行》。朴敘俊和金泰亨感情好到曾一起同居,還是遛狗的好友,盤點朴敘俊與金泰亨的10個「Bromance」時刻。
另外,朴敘俊、崔宇植和 V 在忙亂中還開玩笑地吵鬧,對這三位出名的好友之團隊合作也充滿好奇。 快往下看超短的、看完還想重複看的預告吧! 《瑞鎮家》將於2月24日晚上8時50分首播! Kpopn 的 Swimming 報導 影片來源:tvN@YouTube 轉載請註明
此內容來源為 youTube,該網站能找到相關內容或更多資訊。 【梨泰院Class OST】V (BTS) - Sweet Night【歌詞翻譯】 Watch on BTS防彈少年團超人氣團員V金泰亨,之前就曾開直播表示,近期最期待的韓劇就屬「至親好友」朴敘俊所主演的電視劇《梨泰院Class》,他更透露想在《梨泰院Class》客串尬一角。朴敘俊與金泰亨...