2410 -- 1:01 App 40冰川|远离尘嚣的蓝冰世界 1513 1 6:49 App 四足机器人湘湖水陆游 515 2 3:45 App 新疆|海拔最低冰川·南疆克州冰川公园!帕米尔高原第一站,克州冰川公园,门票仅28! 405 -- 3:02 App 【夏日骑行】 骑大脚怪去赏花1 gopro &轻骑大脚怪 367 -- 0:51 App 阿尼玛卿,震撼冰川...
1. 冰河国家公园(GlacierNational Park)素有“洛矶山脉上的皇冠”美称,峥嵘险峻的雪峰冰河,以及美不胜收的湖光山色,的确像皇冠上珍珠一般炫丽耀目,绝不比知名的黄石国家公园或加拿大落矶山脉逊色。 2. 冰川国家公园(GlacierNational Park)主要分三部分:横穿公园的Going-To-The-SunRoad、ManyGlacier & Swiftcurrent ...
将起点从 Many Glacier 改为 Chief Mountain,终点从 Many Glacier 改为 Logan Pass,其余不变。 本文绝大多数图片均使用 apsc 画幅卡片机拍摄,少部分使用手机超广角镜头拍摄。 热身“Hidden” Lake 26日早上,为了确保 Logan Pass 停车有空位,我们七点抵达,而预约的前往 Chief Mtn 的摆渡车时间是9:30,那自然要去...
Day2. 清晨去 Logan Pass 抢车位,上午走『Hidden Lake Overlook Trail』,下午走『Avalanche Lake Trail』(或者去『Lake McDonald』 划船) Day3. 清晨出发,走『Highline Trail』,结束后从东门离开公园,住东边的Many Glacier Hotel最佳 Day4. 走『Grinnell Glacier Trail』 ...
Glacier National Park 拥有丰富的自然和文化历史,以登山、深厚的积雪和原始的荒野而闻名。游客可以在自建小径上参观废弃的小道、石桥和栈桥支撑、雪棚和其他建筑。 这里有远足路径,从 15 分钟轻松步行到多天徒步旅行,适合狂热和经验丰富的徒步旅行者。 Glacier National
阅读理解Glacier National Park is popular with tourists. Patti, a grandmother who lives near the park, noticed that there were many speeding cars on the road. "Drivers always forget to slow down. Many people in my community are unhappy with the traffic. They can't walk or ride a bike."sa...
大部分的景点都在going-to-the-sun road (路名很美,是不是!) 比较出名的大概是: Bird Woman Falls Overlook weeping wall Paradise Meadow Triple Arches Jackson Glacier Overlook Hidden Lake Trailhead 2.6 miles(logan pass visitor center),强烈推荐去一下 ...
An Act of the United States Congress in 1910 established 401 000 ha of wilderness astride the continental divide in northwestern Montana as Glacier National Park. It is a land of dense forests on the lower mountain slopes, with scattered prairie remnants and intrusions, giving way to subalpine ...
在Glacier National Park坐園區內接駁車不是很容易,我花了一點時間才弄懂,如果要從西邊左到東邊,在西邊坐車大部分的車子只從Apgar Visitor Center開到Avalanche Creek,要在 Avalanche Creek 換車到Logan Pass,再在 Logan Pass 換車到 St. Mary Visitor Center 。為什麼這樣呢?就是因為 Going-to-the-sun Road這...