Can we use that tcode itself for parked invoices too? Regards Former Member 2008 Dec 31 0 Kudos Go to MIR7 trxn and Simulate the Invoice and SAve it...Answers (4) Former Member 2008 Dec 31 0 Kudos Hi, In the transection code MIR7 itself you can post the invoice.Jus...
is there any another option for search and client they dont want use 2 todes because they have lot of park invoice... Thanksinadvance, Anthyodaya. Former Member 2009 May 14 0 Kudos IN MIR6 you can search by vendor, date, refernce number etc and from here only you ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, I need to create the park vendor invoice tcode fv60 through one interface. Basically from external system one file will be used to create the expense report in SAP using transaction fv60. So i need to create an RFC fm to create these invoices. ...
lv_invoicedocnumberLIKEbapi_incinv_fld-inv_doc_no, lv_fiscalyearLIKEbapi_incinv_fld-fisc_year. *1/3 invoice_ind='X' db_cr_ind='S' (抬头), 2/4 invoice_ind='' db_cr_ind='H' (外部物料相关项目) *1/2 de_cre_ind ='' , 3/4 de_cre_ind='X' (po采购订单相关项目) * BAPI赋...
INVOICE_DOC_ITEM (document item in invoice document): 0001XUNPL (unplanned account assignment from invoice verification): XTAX_CODE (tax code): VNITEM_AMOUNT (amount in document currency): 5.00QUANTITY (quantity): 5PO_UNIT (order unit): PCGL_ACCOUNT (number of G/L account): 890000COST...
Tesseron Invoice Tesseron Ticket Text Analytics Text Request The Bot Platform The Brønnøysund Registries (Independent Publisher) The Color (Independent Publisher) The Events Calendar The Guardian (Independent Publisher) The IT Tipster The Lord of the Rings (Independent Publisher) The SMS Works (In...
Additionally, pablo.casamayor provided a sample code for saving a MM incoming invoice as completed. Link: Best regards,Jonathan JonathanEemans Active Contributor 2023 Sep 06 10:54 AM 0 Kudos Hi...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Business Workflow Hello, I need to launch a workflow for approval a vendor invoice when it is parked in the transaction MIR7. I was doing in the method CHANGE_AT_SAVE of an implementation of the BADI INVOICE_UPDATE. However, if the invoice was previously parked and...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Dear Expert, I need to configure JV Park & Post and the transaction will be done by different person. Let say Person A (clerk) : Can only Park JV document. Person B (exec) : Can Park and Post document. However for Vendor and Customer invoice, person...