Britain and Ireland UK Scotland Highland CouncilRoyal Northern Infirmary car parkRoyal Northern Infirmary car park is a parking lot in Highland Council, Scotland. Royal Northern Infirmary car park is situated nearby to the church Royal Northern Infirmary Chapel, as well as near Maple Court Hotel, ...
Notes on cases of fever treated in the Royal Infirmary, Phnix Park, DublinDublin Journal of Medical Science (1872-1920) -doi:10.1007/BF02966613B. S. JacksonSpringer LondonDublin Journal of Medical Science (1872-1920)
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Notes on cases of fever treated in the Royal Infirmary, Phœnix Park, Dublindoi:10.1007/BF02966613Brigade-SurgeonRobertW.JacksonSpringerThe Dublin Journal of Medical Science
ROYAL INFIRMARY, PHNIX PARK, DUBLINdoi:10.1016/S0140-6736(01)52739-7