The result is a huge and exciting new class of parity-time-symmetric (PT-symmetric) theories whose remarkable physical properties are currently under intense study by theorists and experimentalists. Many theoretical predictions have been verified in recent beautiful laboratory experiments. 知识 科学科普 ...
宇称-时间对称(Parity-Time-symmetry)理论由卡尔班德(Carl Bender)和他的合作者提出的,是基础物理学的研究热点。
Parity-time symmetry, initially applied to condensed matter systems, extends canonical quantum theory to non-Hermitian quantum theory. The experimental exploration of parity-time symmetry in electronics is challenging; so by analogy, such concept is introduced in photonics where flexibility exists in ...
However, a key obstacle was found to be the selective breaking of the PT symmetry in chiral boundary states37. There are theoretical proposals at hand to overcome the issue38,39. However, they are based on requirements that are challenging to implement on integrated-optical platforms, such as ...
Provides a comprehensive review of the state of the art of theories and experiments on parity-time symmetry The first book dedicated to the multidisciplinary research on parity-time symmetry in the physical sciences Discusses important, emerging applications of parity-time symmetry Contributed by leading...
Parity-time (PT) symmetry has been unveiling new photonic regimes in non-Hermitian systems, with opportunities for lasing, sensing and enhanced light-matter interactions. The most exotic responses emerge at the exceptional point (EP) and in the broken PT-symmetry phase, yet in conventional PT-sym...
parity-time symmetry; holographic principal; quantum simulation1. Introduction In the 1980s, Richard Feynman envisioned the advantage of using quantum mechanical systems to simulate quantum physics [1]. As most formulations of quantum mechanics consider the systems to be governed by Hermitian Hamiltonian...
parity‐time symmetryAs an elementary processor of neural networks, a neuron performs exotic dynamic functions, such as bifurcation, repetitive firing, and oscillation quenching. To achieve ultrafast neuromorphic signal processing, the realization of photonic equivalents to neuronal dynamic functions has ...
This proposition makes use of some newly developed concepts based on non-Hermiticity and parity-time (PT) symmetry-ideas first conceived within quantum field theories. By harnessing such notions, recent works indicate that novel synthetic structures and devices with counter-intuitive properties can be ...
We show that Parity-time symmetry in matching electric permittivity to magnetic permeability can be established by considering an effective Parity operator involving both mirror symmetry and coupling between electric and magnetic fields. This approach extends the discussion of Parity-time symmetry to the ...