The forced ED transition 5D0→7F2 withJ = 2 is hypersensitive to local environment while the ...
Random Phase Approximation For allowed and Parity Non-conserving Electric Dipole Transition Amplitudes and its connection with Many-Body Perturbation Theory and Coupled Cluster TheoryRPAMBPTCCThe connections between the Random Phase Approximation (RPA) and Many-Body Perturbation Theory (MBPT) and its all...
The forced ED transition 5D0→7F2 withJ = 2 is hypersensitive to local environment while the ...
These cross sections were well explained by the direct transition of a neutron pair of relative angular momentum l = 1 as a dominant component, suggesting that the reacton (α, 6He) can be a new spectroscopic tool to study l ≠ 0 two-nucleon correlations.M.H....