Free Essay: III. Existing Resources to deal with problem The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) required group health plans and...
Department of Labor Issues Guidance on Implementation of Health Care Reform and Mental Health Parity ActBarry L. Klein
Ideally, targets are backed up with a roadmap of implementation steps. Some companies have set targets at the recruitment stage. Access Bank mandates that the ratio of recruits should not fall below 60:40 ...
Mental Health Parity Act: Despite New Federal Standards, Mental Health Benefits Remain Limited A letter report issued by the General Accounting Office with an that begins "Pursuant to a congressional request, GAO reviewed the implementation of the M... USGA Office - United States. General Accountin...
The implementation of the ACA translated into MHPAEA parity protections being given to those gaining coverage through the exchanges and Medicaid expansion, and expanded requirements to existing plans in the small group and individual market [63]. In oncology, however, the ACA and existing drug ...
New FAQs Released regarding Implementation of the Affordable Care Act and Mental Health ParityAmy M. GordonJacob Mattinson