has united himself to every person, offering them the possibility of being made partners in the paschal mystery (paraphrased from 618). And Pope John Paul said: Christ has raised human suffering to the level of the Redemption. Thus each person, in his suffering, can become a sharer in the...
Trinity House Community Gatherings at St. Theresa! Project Rachel – Hope and Healing After Abortion Sign-up for Faith Direct Parish Life Religious Education Parish Activities Prayer Requests Youth Ministry Liturgy of the Hours Resources & Links ...
To honour Our Lord’s Good News, West Wagga Parish now have new Ambos at Holy Trinity and at Our Lady of the Blessed Eucharist. The new ambo for San Isidore was made by Damian Tetley. The Holy Spirit and Bible images are carved from timber, and there are painted symbols of the four ...
Orthodox Church in America. We are under the episcopacy of His Grace, the Most Reverend Benjamin, Archbishop of San Francisco and the West, and the ruling hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America is His Beatitude, the Most Blessed Tikhon, Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan o...
that every Sunday is sanctified and consecrated to the triune God. Sunday after Sunday we should recall in a spirit of gratitude the gifts which the Blessed Trinity is bestowing upon us. The Father created and predestined us; on the first day of the week He began the work of creation. The...
God the Father of heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, redeemer of the world,have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God,have mercy on us. Holy Mary,pray for us. Holy Mother of God,pray for us. Holy Virgin of Virgins,pray for us. ...
The Church believes in Jesus Christ, the God incarnate for the redemption of humankind, and in the Triune God revealed by him, who himself is one among the Trinity. The Church cherishes its Oriental heritage and Episcopacy as a gift of God. The Church accepts Holy Bible as the basis for...
St James is blessed to have a lovely ‘ring’ of bells. The 6 bells that ring out across the town. They call us to worship, they celebrate the year, Christmas, coronations. They lead us in times of national mourning at remembrance services and at memorials to Kings and Queens.They are...
We, the"Living Stones", are always saying welcome, opening doors, and telling the good news: miracles of the Holy Spirit in the Holy Land. We, the"Living Stones", are the members of St. George Parish. Please join us for Divine Liturgy: ...
The clergy and faithful also genuflect or bow when passing by the vessel in which the blessed sacrament is reserved. Another time to genuflect is at these words of the creed: Who for us men and for our salvation, came down from heaven, And was incarnate by the Holy Ghost of the Virgin...