Parish Council Notices go here (Click to enlarge) For comments or contributions on this website please contact:- Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Councillors email addresses Councillors Register of interests forms are available on the District Councils website
Welcome to the Upton Magna Parish Council website. Please follow the menu headings to find what you are looking for. If you need any further help, please contact us by email: or by phoning the Chairman on 07954 524460 UPTON MAGNA MEMORIAL HALL is run sepa...
Lima, OH Church Bulletin Online Giving Livestream Mass(All Masses ) Mass Archiveson Youtube St. John and St. Rose Parishioners, Your parishes really want to stay connected with you! Please provide updated phone numbers and email addresses by calling the church office,419-222-5521or emailingd...
Should you wish to receive an Email copy then please contact the Parish Council Rural Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme To find out more about this scheme please click on the following link. ...
During his tenure on the council, he served as Chairman twice and Vice Chairman three times. Throughout his terms, President Richard served both the people of District 13 and the community of Iberia Parish as a whole. Aside from his role in Iberia Parish government, he is also a veteran,...
We are committed to implementing the House of Bishops’ safeguarding policies and good practice guidance. Once a year - with the last review on Thursday 19 June 2024 - the Parochial Church Council (PCC) reviews and adopts Promoting A Safer Church: Safeguarding policy statement for children, ...
The Parish Council has reviewed, discussed, and has now responded to the planning application mentioned below, which seeks to ease certain conditions attached to the original planning approval. The application itself and associated documents, including our response,can be accessed here ...
Our analytics engine is still looking through the 175M+ email addresses in our records - including those While no single format has been statistically confirmed, take a look at the following addresses for employees and see if you can spot the pattern. ...