Parish Council Annual Parish Meeting 22nd May 2025 Parish Council Meeting Agendas Councillor Details Parish Council Meeting Dates Parish Council Minutes 2023/2024 Finance Neighbourhood Plan Newslink — Village Newsletter Village Information Parish Notices ...
Next Parish Council Meeting Meetings are usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. The next monthly meeting is Tuesday 18th February 2025 at 7 pm in Tansley Community Hall, Church Street. Here is the agenda for February. (The agenda for the next meeeting appears here at least three days ...
Category Archives: Please see attached for Decembers meeting. The agenda was posted on the noticeboards last week. Agenda – 18.12.2024Download Agenda Trust – 18.12.2024Download Minutes of NLPC meeting 20.11.24Download Minutes of NLPC Trust meeting 20.11.2024Download NLPC General accounts-202...
Edith Weston Parish Council provides YOUR local services. We strive to make Edith Weston a better place to live, work and visit. Our website includes a wealth of information about how we conduct business and what we do. Use the search or browse the site to find whatever you are looking f...
For the information of local residents, please below the letter from National Grid to the Parish Council, section 56 notice and the site location plan. The Parish Council will be finalising their response at an Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 11th July 2023 at Pebmars...
ANNUAL PARISH MEETING AGENDAMOST OF THESE HAVE ALREADY BEENFORWARDED TO COUNCILLORS BY EMAIL Training session - Basics of planningCapacity issues within the planning andenforcement teamFire and Rescue Plan 2014-2017HORSLEY PARISH COUNCIL
Wool Parish CouncilWool Parish Council serving Wool, Bovington and East Burton What changes often on this site? The newsletter The latest news Meetings information Who are we and what do we do? Who is on council? What does Wool Parish Council do? Annual Parish meeting minutes 2021...
Latest Minutes & Agendafor Parish Council Meetings *** We currently haveParish Councillorvacancies on the Parish Council. We meet once a month on the third Monday of the month. If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor and would like details, please contact the Chair, Cllr Christ...
12. 2020 meeting dates 13. Agenda items for next meeting 14. Date and time of next meeting Parish Council Meeting – 7.00pm Wednesday, 27th November 2019 at Village HallThe full meeting notice and draft minutes of the last meeting are available on these pagesNews...
As the Battle of Britain rages overhead, a warlock leader from the Council of High Witches comes to Woodville with a ritual to repel the imminent Nazi invasion. The only catch is it involves full-frontal nudity on the White Cliffs of Dover. The Witches of Woodville are having none of it...