Under the Stars of Paris(2020) 86 min|Drama Edit pageAdd to list Track Christine is homeless in Paris. On a winter night she finds Suli, an 8-year-old Eritrean boy, sobbing in front of her shelter. Bound by their marginal conditions, they embark together on an emotional journey to find...
英文片名:Under The Stars of Paris窮極潦倒的克莉絲汀(凱瑟琳芙蘿 飾),寂寞地穿梭在巴黎市街,日復一日地尋找食物銀行的補給品維生。在一個天寒地凍的冬日,八歲小男孩蘇力(瑪哈瑪杜雅法 飾)站在她的棲息之處哭泣。詢問後,克莉絲汀發現蘇力跟母親走散了,而兩人的相似處境,讓她們一同步上充滿愛與希望的尋親之旅...
米歇尔很甜 - 助眠减压疗法-巴黎的天空 (Paris Skies)
Netflix’s ‘Under Paris’ starsBérénice Bejo as Sophia, a grieving scientist who must take care of the terror of a deadly shark underneaththe canals of Paris.Seeking redemption for the time the same creature had decimated her teammates, the woman’s journey brings her afront ridicule and ...
Parisian cafes, the romantic Tuileries Garden, trendy boutiques, from Maria Luisa to Colette, Hermes to Chanel, Goyard to John Galliano, Cartier and all the jewellers of Place Vendôme, Le Meurice reflects the lively rhythm and elegant ambience of the chic 1st arrondissement in the heart of ...
Getting lost late at night under stars 我们曾迷失在漫天繁星下 Finding love standing right where we are your lips 发现爱其实就在我们身边 They pull me in the moment 你的唇瓣将我吸引到你面前 You and I alone and 那里只有你和我 People may be watching I don't mind ‘cause 也许有人在偷偷向...
Anything girl whatever the mood we're in无论你感觉如何 All I know is (ooh ooh ooh)我只知道 Getting lost late at night under stars我们在璀璨星空下沉醉 Finding love standing right where we are your lips其实爱就悄然降临 They pull me in the moment当你将双唇贴近时 You and I alone and天地...
Getting lost late at night under stars我们在璀璨星空下沉醉 Finding love standing right where we are your lips其实爱就悄然降临 They pull me in the moment当你将双唇贴近时 You and I alone and天地之间便只有你我 People may be watching I don't mind ‘cause也许人们会偷偷看着我们 但我毫不在意 ...
Getting lost late at night under stars 在星空下我迷失了方向 Finding love standing right where we are your lips 我发现真爱就在眼前但我们都欲言又止 They pull me in the moment 那一刻我为爱倾心 You and i alone and 只有我们两个人 People may be watching l don't mind cause 或许在别人看来我...