Either way, The Paris Sewer Museum (Musée Égouts de Paris) is just a baguette’s toss from the Eiffel Tower and, surprisingly, has a much shorter line. When I first learned of this attraction, I vowed to visit it before I set foot on the iron steps of the Eiffel Tower; a promis...
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Its collection is the largest one on the planet, with 460,000 works, and yet only 35,000 of them can be seen in the museum! Exhibition room in the Louvre Museum 12. In 2007, “renovator elves” repaired the clock of the Pantheon On a morning, in 2007, Parisians woke up to a repa...
Suchen und buchen Sie Touren und Tickets für Pariser Kanalisationsmuseum (Musée des Égouts de Paris) auf Viator.
法国蓝袋学校卢浮宫(Louvre Museum) 法文名称为:LE CORDON BLEU PARIS,英文名称是:Le Cordon BlueParis 法国巴黎蓝带创立于1895年,是世界上第一所西餐与西点人才专业培训学校。经过一百多年的发展,蓝带在15个国家建立30所学校培养来自70多个不同国家的学生,也是世界上规模最大的西餐与西点技术培训学校。蓝带勋章为...
1、法国巴黎Paris拉法叶购物中心Galeriers Lafayette排水系统Sewer System香榭丽舍大街Avenue des Champs Elysees蓬皮杜艺术中心The Pompidou Center蓬皮杜中心(Centre Georges Pompidou )全名为 蓬皮杜国家艺术和文化中心(Centre national dart et de culture Georges-Pompidou), 是一栋座落丁法国首都巴黎第四区 的复合建筑,位...
排水系统SewerSystem香榭丽舍大街AvenuedesChampsElysees 蓬皮杜艺术中心ThePompidouCenter 蓬皮杜中心(CentreGeorgesPompidou)全名为蓬皮杜国家艺术和文化中心(Centrenationald'artetdecultureGeorges-Pompidou),是一栋座落于法国首都巴黎第四区的复合建筑,位于蒙特吉尔街(rueMontorgueil)、玛莱区及雷阿尔区(LesHalles)附近,蓬皮杜中心...
Paris Sewer Museum本地名称Visite des Égouts de Paris位置7th arrondissement of Paris, 巴黎, 法國/法国 如果您喜欢独特的体验,则绝对应该访问此场所。自1889年以来,这家博物馆就提供导览游,是真正的独一无二的博物馆。 展览着重于向公众介绍巴黎下水道的历史,下水道工人的作用,卫生过程等。您还会注意到...
ABOVE: These high-tech instruments on the museum's wall are monitoring water pollution in the Seine. ABOVE: You can make your own contribution to the Paris sewer system by visiting the museum's clean, spacious toilets. An underground souvenir:Paris Secret et Insolite ...
The Musée des égouts de Paris ('Paris Sewer Museum') offers a unique visit and insight into a key aspect of the City of Paris' sewerage system. The first part, in the so-called dry gallery, is dedicated to understanding the Parisian sewerage system: its history, the various jobs ...