Cambodia—the 1989 Paris peace conference: Background, analysis and documents: Compiled and edited by Amitav Acharya, Pierre Lizee and Sorpong Peou. Millwood, NY: Kraus International Publications, 1991. 592 p. ISBN 0-527-03457-6. LCCN 90-49370. $50.00....
Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, after the month-long Conference on Peace in Cambodia (Paris, 30 July-30 August), said the meeting had cleared a path towards peace in that country. Cambodian parties, he said, must now travel that path, for the salvation of their people and their...
Cambodia-The 1989 Paris Peace Conference: Background Analysis and Documents.doi:10.2307/2760045Pamela SodhyAmitav AcharyaPierre LizeeSorpong Peou
After Years of War, Cambodia Tackles Peace Signing Peace Agreements in Paris Is One Thing; Settling Down to the Business of Government - Turns out to Be Another
Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, after the month-long Conference on Peace in Cambodia (Paris, 30 July-30 August), said the meeting had cleared a path towards peace in that country. Cambodian parties, he said, must now travel that path, for the salvation of their people and their...