In this paper, a Paris law-based model is presented whereby crack propagation occurs under cyclic loading in air (fatigue) and in an aggressive environment (corrosion-fatigue) for the case of corner cracks (with a wide range of aspect ratios in the matter of the initial cracks) in finite-...
A Generalized Paris law for Fatigue Crack Growth J . Journal of 19、the Me2 chanics and Physics of Solids ,2006 ,54 :1333 - 1349. 22 赵永翔 ,杨冰 ,张卫华 . 随机疲劳长裂纹扩展率的新概 式物理本质的探讨 J . 力学学报 ,2003 ,3 ,35 ( 2 :171 175. 4 袁榕 ,王冰 ,陈学东 , 等 . ...
2、 中图分类号:TQ05012 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001- 4837(2006)12- 0008- 08 General Modification and Application of the Paris Law for Fatigue Crack Propagation NI Xiang- gui, LI Xin- liang, WANG Xiu- xi ( CAS Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Materials,University of...
Paris Law for Fatigue Crack Propagation NI Xiang- gui, LI Xin- liang, WANG Xiu- xi ( CAS Key Labora ory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Ma erials , Universi y of Science Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China) A stract:The paper has reviewed he Paris law for fa igue crack ...
关键词:疲劳裂纹;扩展速率;Paris公式 中图分类号:TQ05012 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-4837(2006)12-0008-08 GeneralModificationandApplicationoftheParisLaw forFatigueCrackPropagation NIXiang-gui,LIXin-liang,WANGXiu-xi (CASKeyLaboratoryofMechanicalBehaviorandDesignofMaterials,UniversityofScience&Technologyof China...
Multiple Crack Fatigue Growth Modeling by Displacement Discontinuity Method with Crack - tip Ele2 ments[J ] . Applied Mathematical Modeling ,2006 ,30 :489 508. [21 ] N. Pugno ,M. Ciavarella , P. Cornetti ,et al. A Generalized Paris’ law for Fatigue Crack Growth [J ] . Journal of ...
We propose a construction of fatigue laws from cohesive forces models in the case of a crack submitted to a mode I cyclic loading. Taking the cumulated opening as the memory variable and the surface energy density associated with Dugdale's model, we explicitly construct the fatigue law which gi...
Energy release rate based fiber/matrix debond growth in fatigue. Part I: self-similar crack growth. Mech Adv Mater Struct 2013;20(4): 276e87.Energy release rate based fiber/matrix debond growth in fatigue. Part II: Debond growth analysis using Paris law - Pupurs, Krasņikovs, et al. ...
alloybyusingtheexperimentalresultsoflowcyclefatigueatdifferent temperatures.Theresultsshowthat,LFFmethodcanrepresentmaterialParislawwithhigh precision.OnapplicationofLFFmethod,theparametersofParislawforCr2Ni2MoVsteeland N18alloyatvarioustemperatureswereobtained,andthetemperatureeffectswerealsodiscussed indetail. Keywords...