Paris law can reflect the failure mechanism of materials and is usually used to be a method to predict fatigue life or residual fatigue life. But the variable which can represent the health of machine is hardly measured on line. To a degree, the difficulty of on-line application restricts ...
tomandthefinalfailureofthepavement.Thispaperdiscussesthefatiguelifeofasphaltpavem entsusingprinci— plesoffracturemechanics.ResultsofanalysisshowthatGeneralizedParisLawcantakeintoa ccounttheCOHI— plexcrackpropagationinthematerialofthepavementstructureThefatiguelifeofthepaveme ...
Paris Law for Fatigue Crack Propagation NI Xiang- gui, LI Xin- liang, WANG Xiu- xi ( CAS Key Labora ory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Ma erials , Universi y of Science Technology of China, Hefei 230026, China) A stract:The paper has reviewed he Paris law for fa igue crack ...
2、 中图分类号:TQ05012 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1001- 4837(2006)12- 0008- 08 General Modification and Application of the Paris Law for Fatigue Crack Propagation NI Xiang- gui, LI Xin- liang, WANG Xiu- xi ( CAS Key Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior and Design of Materials,University of...
5) Paris Law Paris公式 1. Prediction of Fatigue Life of Asphalt Pavements Using GeneralizedParis Law; 广义Paris公式预测沥青路面的疲劳寿命 2. By usingParis Law,we can got the multi-axial fatigue crack growth propagtion rate rule. 若对裂尖附近的单轴应力场应用叠加原理,则可合成多轴裂尖应力场分...
A Generalized Paris' law for Fatigue Crack Growth J . Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids , 2006 , 54 : 1333 -1349 . 22 赵永翔 , 杨冰 , 张卫华 . 随机疲劳长裂纹 扩展率的新 概 率模型 24、 J . 交通运输工程学报 , 2005 , 5( 4 : 6 -9 . 23 李向阳 , 崔维成 , 张文明...
P ari s l aw can ref l ect the failure mechani sm of mater ials and 1s usual ly used to be a method to predict fatigue li fe or re si dua l fati gue l ife. But the v ar iable w hich can r epresent the health of machine i s hardly measur ed on li ne . T o a de...
(CASKeyLaboratoryofMechanicalBehaviorandDesignofMaterials,UniversityofScience&Technologyof China,Hefei230026,China) Abstract:ThepaperhasreviewedtheParislawforfatiguecrackpropagation,therelationshipbetweentheParis equationandthetraditionalstressfatigueS-Ncurveofmaterial,andthecommonprocessofcalculatingthelifetimeforfatigue...