Fallen (1998) The Siege (1998) The Bone Collector (1999), a story about a paralyzed police officer investigating a series of murders. The Hurricane (1999). This film marked a change in his career, as he played boxer Rubin “Hurricane” Carter, who was the victim of a racist police setu...
Huh, okay. The trailer features some of the most iconic appearances - including The Fifth Element, Reality Bites, "The Office", Fallen Angels, The Longest Yard, and of course the "Royale with Cheese" in From Paris with Love. I have to give them props for fully embracing the hilarious...
The Republican presidential hopeful has since dialed back the rhetoric, calling that earlier claim a joke. But — as in other areas of critical domestic and international concern — he’s fallen short when pressed for specifics on what a Trump presidency would mean for energy and the climate. ...