The university, located in Villetaneuse (Northern Paris), offers a wide range of academic courses.
巴黎13大(ParisX-IIIVilletaneuse)也叫做威尔达纳斯大学的校长萨尔兹曼向媒体透露,今年7月他们向巴黎近郊的博比尼法院就中 …|基于26个网页 2. 巴黎十三大 巴黎十三大(ParisX-IIIVilletaneuse)也叫做威尔达纳斯大学,该校校长萨尔兹曼日前向媒体介绍,2009年在该校注册的中国留学 …|基...
1LAGA, Institut Galil´ee, Universit´e Paris 13 99, avenue J.-B. Cl´ement, F-93430 Villetaneuse, FranceWe derive generalized TKNN-equations via bundle representations of the noncommutative torus with rational deformation parameter, the bun- dle coming from spectral projections in the...