Define parietal lobe. parietal lobe synonyms, parietal lobe pronunciation, parietal lobe translation, English dictionary definition of parietal lobe. n. The division of each hemisphere of the brain that lies beneath each parietal bone. American Heritage
Looking for online definition of parietal lobe in the Medical Dictionary? parietal lobe explanation free. What is parietal lobe? Meaning of parietal lobe medical term. What does parietal lobe mean?
transmural myocardial infarction transmural pressure transmutation transmyocardial revascularization transnasal fiberoptic laryngoscopy transnexus channel transocular transonance transonic transorbital lobotomy transosseous venography transovarial transovarial transmission ...
(Fig. 6). Hypometabolic activity of the rostral temporopolar cortex, as demonstrated by PET, was also observed (Fig. 6) in another patient with embolic infarction of the caudal temporal lobe with presumed damage to the ILF. Hypometabolism was not observed in a third patient, with a similar...
What is a left occipital lobe infarction? What lines the thoracic cavity? What is the renal medulla? What is the pleural cavity filled with? What valves are located between the atria and the ventricles? What is manubrium of sternum?
anterior myocardial infarction anterior nasal spine anterior nasal spine of maxilla anterior nerve of lesser curvature anterior neuropore anterior notch of auricle anterior nuclei of thalamus anterior occlusion anterior ocular segment anterior olfactory nucleus anterior opercular syndrome anterior palatal bar ant...
preinfarction syndrome preinsula preinterparietal bone preinvasive Preiser disease Preiser, Georg Karl Felix Preiser's disease Preisz Preisz, Hugo von Preisz-Nocard bacillus prejudgment prejudice prekallikrein prelacrimal prelacrimal abscess prelaminar part of intraocular part of optic nerve prelaryngeal ...
Another case involves a 20-year-old young woman who was admitted to the hospital after experiencing a hemorrhagic cerebrovascular infarction in the right parietal and frontal regions extending into the basal ganglia including the right caudate nucleus [68]. Two years later, she began a relationship...