One consequence of parenting styles that has received a lot of research attention is narcissism. Baumrind’s typology continues to serve as the classic nomenclature within parenting styles research, and has dominated the parent-child research agenda, appearing in some capacity in most parenting studies...
These styles are characterized by a lack of responsiveness, warmth, and appropriate discipline, leading to an environment where children may feel neglected, overly controlled, or undervalued. Unhealthy parenting styles can hinder a child’s ability to develop healthy relationships, self-esteem, and cop...
(3) children's executive function partially mediated the relationship between parenting stress and parenting quality; and (4) the spoiled, democratic, permissive, and authoritarian parenting styles each play a chain mediating role with young children's executive function between parenting stress and ...
Therefore, the aim of this review is to examine the existing literature regarding the influence of parenting style and/or feeding styles on childhood obesogenic behaviors and body weight. Research articles related to parenting style (n = 40) and parental feeding style (n = 11) were identified ...
New, Modern Perspectives on Baumrind's 1960's Parenting Styles Study! There's no doubt that Diana Baumrind's insights has contributed tremendously to the academic field of child parent behavior research. However, the study is more than 50 years and I think it does show. ...
dances, sexting, drugs, My Space, peer pressure, junior high, etc. – I feel like I need a crash course in this new phase of parenting. So recently I began my research, which soon came to a screeching halt. Where were all the tween parenting books, support groups, magazines, and blog...
As a modern parent, you may find yourself navigating a complex landscape of different parenting styles and family dynamics. Different parenting styles can significantly impact various aspects of a child’s life, including emotional regulation and self-sufficiency. You might struggle with balancing the ...
Gentle Parents are ‘mind minded’, that is they raise their children in a manner that they are aware and considerate of the child’s feelings. Too many parenting styles consider only the parent’s feelings when resolving problems, yet research shows us that the best way to raise an empathic...
He has (co-) authored 32 referred journal articles and four books. His research focuses on motivation, parenting styles, self-construal and identity in cross-cultural contexts. He is the PI and co-pi in many national and international projects. Hussain Alkharusi Hussain Alkharusi. Ph.D, is...
The results of this study have shown that there are 4 parenting styles in families which the parents have conducted on children. These methods are included: 1- the authoritarian parenting style 2- the (authoritative) robust parenting style 3- indulgent style 4- neglectful style. Each style of ...