Are you parenting in a digital world? Learn from our experts who provide guidance on various areas to help create strong digital habits and safe online.
Are you parenting in a digital world? Learn from our experts who provide guidance on various areas to help create strong digital habits and safe online.
Parenting in the Digital World With the easy access to digital devices both parents and children are struggling with screen time. This project features short films, interviews and reading materials on how parents and children can benefit from digital technology while avoiding many of its harms. SP...
Parenting in a digital world is complicated, and lots of people have lots of different answers to the details of what you should do. But Steve’s advice is much more general – remember that your job description is in the name. You need to be your kid’s parent, not their friend. The...
Parenting in today’s digital age can be a challenging task, but with the proper guidance and support, they can help their children navigate the digital world safely. With the ever-changing landscape of technology, it is important for parents to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and unde...
Millennials are part of generation born into a digital world, their lives deeply involved in technology and social media both in terms ofdurationand intensity. Many parents want to evolve their use of social media to better understand parenting. ...
Tips & Scripts for Parenting in the Digital World Screen Time Guidelines Emphasize Balance not Limits Screenagers: Growing up in the Digital Age, a documentary film, follows a family as the grapple with buying their 12-year-old daughter a smartphone. The family struggles with what type of pho...
1/3 Put it in writing. Download this contract template so everyone knows the house rules about using devices and technology at home. View PDF Some pregame rules. If you don't know anything about gaming, read this. View PDF Get the facts on cyberbullying. ...
Parenting In A Digital AgeAs part of the #EduroChallenge leading up to our Micro-Credential program launch, we wanted to pay tribute to the most important educators in a student’s lives…their Parents. Nobody has more influence over a child in their lives than their parent/guardian does…...
Early childhood is the only time in life when a person is completely free to discover his or her native gifts. I’m not saying that gifts of tablets and apps are not amazing, but their time will come. To chart your path for how you’ll introduce your child to the digital world, I ...