Court-Approved Parenting Classes You Can Trust CIBO has been approved as the only accepted provider of court-ordered parenting classes in some of the largest court systems in the country – including Cook County (Chicago, IL), Clark County (Las Vegas, NV) and Maricopa County (Phoenix, AZ)....
Chloe leads Simplicity Parenting workshops and classes in Kim John Payne’s latest book “Being at your Best when your Kids are at their Worst” is a passion. She believes the parenting journey starts within OURSELVES. How were we parented? How do we do our ‘parenting’ today? When we ...
The students were in grades 1 to 3 in junior high school, with an average of 4 classes for each grade, and from grades 7 to 9 in secondary school, with an average of 6 classes for each grade. Overall, 1,028 par- ticipants were selected in this study. The questionnaire was self-...
2/17 Some Ideas for Using ChatGPT in Middle and High School Classes –Teachers can use tools like ChatGPT as one strategy in their efforts to teach students how to think critically and write effectively. Also, see the article below on ChatGPT bias. @RichmanGeoff @edutopia 2/17 Student Sol...
By coincidence, on Valentine’s Day this year, Dr. To (pronounced “toe”), our local pediatric dentist, is coming to all the kindergarten classes to show kids the proper way to brush (follow the link in her name. She’s Jake’s dentist and we love her!). Then on Friday she’s ...
classes that you liked in public school: PE, Art, Music, Spanish, Science, Social Studies. We have class parties, field day, grandparents day, field trips and other fun activities with the fellowship of other homeschool families. They also have homeschool 101 classes for parents that were ...