A brief history of my circumstances I have a husband with ADHD, my eldest a daughter who has ODD, my middle son has ADHD and my youngest son, other than some anxiety issues (totally understandable considering his living conditions) is your typical average kid. Me, I have been wrangling t...
Notably, the ADHD status of parents’ own children was not a risk factor of interest in the present study. ADHD/ODD behavior as exhibited by confederate children during interactions with parents was the primary child effect measured in this study. Nonetheless, given its prominent role in sample ...
She did it with little more than a reference to “looking after the children’s interests.” Um, sure, maybe, if I was doing something that demonstrated I was trying to skip out on my child support payments. That’s when you go to the AG’s office! Not as a normal course of busine...
The Infinitely Desirable Woman with the Fractured Soul please stay gone(a poem) Divorce Support: For the Children *and* the Parents Sincerely, The Off Parent– still in transition @theoffparent image: the gnome house, march 2011, the author, cc ...
Wing & Gould [29] identified three groups of children with ASD: 1) those who were aloof and socially remote, 2) those who moved away from social overtures but could be engaged, and 3) those who engaged in interactions in unusual or odd ways. In the 1980s, a number of studies ...
Parents of children with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) experience greater stress in parenting and more parental depressive symptoms. The study examined the longitudinal and bidirectional associations between three dimensions of parenting stress (i.e., parental distress, parent-child dysfunctional ...
Treating children with early-onset conduct problems: intervention outcomes for parent, child, and teacher training. Families of 159, 4- to 8-year-old children with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) were randomly assigned to parent training (PT); parent plus teacher tra... C Webster-Stratton,...
Caught between the world of early school-age children and teenagers, parenting pre-teens means dealing with some unique issues. Does your daughter have a healthy view of her body? Is your child a bully? Is your child being bullied or groomed by a pedophile in person or over the internet?
Knowing where to start is a key to success so begin with choosing the area that will be for the kids playing; games such as football will obviously need more space than a sandbox for younger children. This is where the usefulness of asking thegardenersto help becomes apparent. They are inv...
As painful as it is to accept sometimes, our children are born to move away from us. There is a sense of grief that goes along with this. I’ve experienced it myself. It’s important to remember that this work of caring for our children while they are constantl...