Getting a piercing without your parent or guardian can be somewhat of a hassle. Fortunately, most states give the green light for ear piercings, but other piercings may require special permission. Tattoos have even more strict laws in most states. Many minors will travel to a state to get a...
Is a minor travel consent form necessary for a mother to travel alone with a child? by Nicole (Kent, WA, USA) Question:My son has a current passport which both his father and I were present when applying, however I have since been informed that children traveling to Mexico with just one...
specifying which entitlements will automatically be authorized or rejected, the distance end user must be from their child or minor before they will be notified to grant access, and whether the end user only wants to be notified of entitlement redemptions or wants to grant permission before the ...
Primary reasons reported by mothers for missed vaccinations were the unavailability of vaccines (n = 42, 44%) and being asked to return at another time by clinic staff (n = 35, 36%). Other reasons included maternal or child sickness, travel, and forgetfulness. Reasons related to ...
For each situation, the parents were systematically questioned on the 6 main dimensions covered by the questionnaire: perception of dangers (Q1; PDang); perception of benefits (Q2; PBen); perception of child competence (Q3; PComp); permission to play (Q4; PERM), child’s experience in the...