The article argues that paid parental leave has many benefits鈥攂enefits that the United States should take into account when considering reform of its current law. Drawing on international and state-level models, the article proposes federal policy reform in the United States that would expand on...
内容提示: Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development 1 ©2003 Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development Field TM Parental Leave Policy Comments on Lero, Kamerman 1 and Ruhm T IFFANY M. F IELD , PhD Touch Research Institutes, University of Miami School of Medicine, USA (Published ...
Nonetheless, leave provided in Canada still outstrips that in the United States, where only brief, unpaid leaves are the norm.1-4 Cross-nationally, the critical policy differences have to do with the extent to which a policy is designed: 1. To support family work an...
Besides paid leave, many parental leave policies provide options for unpaid leave as well. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) in the United States, eligible employees can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave for family and medical reasons including childbirth or adoptio...
Parentalleave Introduction Lero,KamermanandRuhm’scommentariesintheareaofparentalleavepolicyhave beenextensivelypublished.But,asLerohassuggestedinherreview,"Therearestill relativelyfewstudiesthataddresstheseconcerns,andresultsareneitherconsistentnor generalizableoutsideoftheUnitedStates,wherematernity/parentalleave,health...
Family leave policies at public health institutions in the United States largely fall short of national public health recommendations for new parents, despite widespread recognition of the health importance of dedicated parental care for children in thei
The United States does not have a nationwide paid, parental leave policy and American families suffer. U.S. Parental leave needs to change.
In this column, I review federal parental leave policies in the United States, the relatively recent development of paid parental leave across states, and research findings and recommendations from professional organizations that support the implementation of a federal parental leave policy or state-led...
This policy is one of the most generous in the United States, one of the few countries that does not mandate paid family leave. Under the Family and Medical Leave Act, men and women who work full-time are guaranteed 12 weeks of unpaid leave. According to the Department of Labor, only ...
In 2004, California enacted a paid family leave policy for both men and women, presenting a helpful case study for states and/or companies considering the same. In a survey conducted, 91% of the state’s participating employers reported that this policy had either a positive or neutral effect...