Understanding the benefits and distinctions between parental leave and maternity leave can help you ensure you’re offering the right type of leave for your organization.
parental-leave 显示所有例句 n. — see also maternity leave , paternity leave 1. (照顾孩子的)父母假,家长假,育儿假time when a parent is allowed to be away from work to care for a child 释义: 全部,父母双方都可享有的照顾新生儿或儿童的假期,父母亲的同意 ...
必应词典为您提供Maternity-leave-or-parental-leave的释义,网络释义: 如何申请带薪产假;如何申请产假;
family leavefamily leave可以表示“产假,探亲假”,小编在维基百科上面查到了这样一段英文解释“Parental leave, or family leave, is an employee benefit available in almost all countries. The term"parental leave" may include matern...
leave.Thisismadeup of15weeksofmaternityleaveand37weeksofparentalleave. Fathersand/oradoptiveparentsareeligibleforupto37consecutiveweeksofunpaid, job-protectedparentalleave.Adoptiveparentscantakeparentalleaveforanychildunderage18. Parentalleavemaybetakenbyoneparentorsharedbetweentwoparentsbutthetotalcombined leave...
报道中的parental leave就是“育婴假”,很多国家都将育婴假作为一种employee benefit(员工福利),为员工提供paid or unpaid time off work(带薪或无薪假期)以方便他们照顾孩子。跟孩子相关的假期还有maternity leave(产假),paternity leave(陪产假,即妻子在享受产假期间,男方享受的用来照料对方的假期)、及adoption leave...
Shared parental leave made some maternity leave transferable in the UK. The aim was to improve the position of working parents, particularly mothers, by encouraging fathers to take on more of a caring role. It has been widely acknowledged that the legislation has failed to...
Parental leave in Canada is considerably more generous than in the US. Under standard employment insurance maternity and paternity benefits, pregnant employees or new mothers are eligible to take 15 weeks of paid maternity leave. During this time, they receive up to 55% of their salaries, to a...
报道中的parental leave就是“育婴假”,很多国家都将育婴假作为一种employee benefit(员工福利),为员工提供paid or unpaid time off work(带薪或无薪假期)以方便他们照顾孩子。跟孩子相关的假期还有maternity leave(产假),paternity leave(陪产假,即妻子在享受产假期间,男方享受的用来照料对方的假期)、及adoption leave...
Parental leave is an employee benefit that provides paid or unpaid time off work to care for a child or make arrangements for the child's welfare. The term "parental leave"includes maternity, paternity, and adoption leave. 以上来源于:Wikipedia ...