Internet connection required to use this app. Data charges may apply. The Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app lets users control settings for their Nintendo Switch systems. However, it does not include settings for this app or the Nintendo Switch Online app, because apps run on smart devices ...
1、switch parental control语言是随着系统的首选语言来的;2、可以在手机“设置”里面,搜索 “语言和地...
要下载Nintendo Switch Parental Control(任天堂家长控制)软件,您可以按照以下步骤操作:1. 在您的手机上或平板电脑上,从相应应用商店或官网下载并安装Nintendo Switch Parental Control应用程序。2. 打开应用程序并登录您的Nintendo Switch账号。3. 连接您的Nintendo Switch主机。4. 在Nintendo Switch Parental Control应用...
Internet connection required to use this app. Data charges may apply. The Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app lets users control settings for their Nintendo Switch systems. However, it does not include settings for this app or the Nintendo Switch Online app, because apps run on smart devices ...
美版switch忘记..美版switch忘记了家庭密码parental control pin怎么办因为一些原因两年没用上过这个密码,然后这几天善用百度了已经都没有给出过特别靠谱的解决办法,所以想给大家总结一下我的碰壁经验。
How to Use Parental Controls on Nintendo Switch Nintendo Switch also offers a variety of parental control settings which can be accessed by clicking on “System Settings” from the main menu. Parents can set restrictions on internet access, purchases, social features, and more. Understanding how...
The ultimate parental control device for home internet at KILL NET SWITCH, ensuring safe and monitored browsing experiences.
求助!怎么关闭手机上..玩剑盾想改时间。结果发现设置了switch Parental control不能改,我也不知道当初为什么脑袋抽了要设这个,现在怎么解都不知道
Nintendo Switch functions can be restricted to prevent the console from playing games above a certain age rating. Attention: ◆ An Internet connection is required to use this app. Cellular data may be used. A Nintendo Account (for ages 18 and up) is also required. ...
Nintendo Switch functions can be restricted to prevent the console from playing games above a certain age rating. Attention: ◆ An Internet connection is required to use this app. Cellular data may be used. A Nintendo Account (for ages 18 and up) is also required. ...