parental permissionn(consent of one's mother or father)SCSimplified Chinese家长许可 SCSimplified Chinese父母同意 Every underage minor has to have parental permission for international travel. PGnUK, initialism(parental guidance)SCSimplified Chinese在家长指导下观看 ...
travel behavior within parent–adolescent dyads Introduction Sport science as an interdisciplinary field focuses on people's health and rep- resents much more than pure sports performance in the sense of citius, altius, fortius, Latin for "faster, higher, stronger" (Owen et al. 2000; Rütten, ...
The argument is grounded in international research ethics principles and social science research studies of risks to the well-being of LGBTTIQ youth. A schema derived from consent concepts used in ethics frameworks in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States is presented for ...
Consent for participation and use of the data was obtained. 3.5. Method of analysis Thematic analysis was employed for analysing the data collected. This is a sophisticated qualitative tool that according to Nowell et al. (2017) helps conducting research in a precise, consistent and exhaustive ...
passport for his or her young child and that parent does not have the consent of the other parent, then no passport will be issued for the child unless: (1) the applying parent has court documents showing he or she has sole custody of the child; (2) the applying parent has an order...
Dear Amy:My mother-in-law recently asked if she could take our kids for the day. My husband and I were nervous about this, due to the COVID pandemic. but we relented — with the clear understanding that our kids would not have ANY contact with their cousins (their father is...
There's also a question of consent. Will these tools be as effective if teens don't feel comfortable sharing their experiences on the app with their parents, or if parents take over as account monitors without the consent of their children? Where do you draw the line between fostering indepe...
On May 2, 2017, the New Jersey Superior Court granted Patel sole legal custody of the child premised on the consent of the child’s mother to the arrangement, but specifically reserved for the mother the ability to file for joint legal custody if she so chose in future. Upon receiving th...
2018 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original ...
Trained research assistants approached eligible women presenting with children to the well child clinic at participating facilities for consent and enrollment. To reduce biases from facility-based enrollment, participating women were asked to identify other potentially eligible women in their communities. ...