multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis procedure to examine the measurement and structural invariance across Malaysian Malay (n=724), Chinese (n=372), and Indian (n=259) parent ratings of their children on the short version of the ParentParental AcceptanceRejection Questionnaire (Parent-PARQ/S)...
Results of the Parent-Rated Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in 22,108 Primary School Students from 8 Provinces of China Shi WH, Zhai Y,et al.Results of the parent-ratedStrengths and Difficulties Questionnaire in 22108 primary schoolstudents from 8 provinces of China[J]. ... X Gao,W...
Children were eligible for participation if they came from families with working and cohabiting parents and did not move to elementary school the year after the baseline assessment. Parents of eligible children who consented to participate were asked to fill out independently an individual questionnaire...
The Parent Involvement Program is described within the larger context of school and district support. Factors seen as contributing to and inhibiting the implementation of the Program are presented and major elements of the Program are discussed. Questionnaire and archival program data also are reported...
subscales of the Child–Parent Relationship Scale–Short Form (CPRS-SF; Pianta, 1992) and the Attachment and Relational Frustration subscales on the Behavior Assessment System for Children–Third Edition (BASC-3) Parenting Relationship Questionnaire–Preschool Version (PRQ-P) (Reynolds & Kamphaus, ...
The questionnaire about the frequency of parent-child-interactions was answered by the children’s parents. It investigated 11 types of activities between children and the primary caregivers (usually the parents) in their household (shared reading, singing, moving, painting, building, puzzle, playing...
Questionnaire,Parent-child Cohesion Questionnaire,Parent-child Conflict Questionnaire,Friendship Quality Questionnaire and Teacher-Student Relationship Questionnaire(Student Version).Results There was significant difference in interpersonal sensitivity,role adjustment,parent-child cohesion,conflict and betray,conflict ...
This in-house 20-item questionnaire elicited background information such as highest parental qualification, mother’s age at child’s birth, child’s age, as well as whether the child had a SEND status. A SEND status had been established previously, either by the school alone (e.g., the ...
The questionnaire was applied 57 state and 38 private school teachers at 2 state and 2 private schools in 2008. In terms of the problems of the study, the data was analized by handling the distributions of the frequencies and the percentiles of the teachers' responses. In addition t-test ...
Q2. What would you change about St Lawrence Primary School? 57 respondents Variety of answers, generally positive Common theme of kindy/PP requiring some type of basic uniform (polo shirt) Car park was also common complaint Q3. Would you be interested in having your child participate in extra...