parentElement是HTML DOM元素对象的属性之一。它用于获取一个元素的直接父元素。 parentElement属性返回一个DOM元素对象,表示指定元素在DOM树中的直接父级元素。如果该元素没有父元素(例如,它是根元素),则parentElement属性的值为null。 以下是使用parentElement属性的示例: <div id="parent"> <div id="child">This...
parentElement 和 parentNode是一样,但parentNode是W3C标准,但parentElement 只在IE中可用,现在chrome也可使用。 例如: <BODY> <div style="border: 1px solid black;position:absolute;"> <form> <input type="checkbox" id="cc"> </form> </div> 这个例子中,“cc”元素的offsetParent是div,如果去掉div的po...
console.log(pp.parentElement.nodeName); //DIV 1. 2. 3.唯一区别: 在获取根部document节点是,parentElement找的是元素,因此报错null,而parentNode获取的是节点,返回的是#document console.log(pp.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.nodeName); //报错:000.html:37 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot...
DomElement 已启用 FirstChild ID InnerHtml InnerText 名称 NextSibling OffsetParent OffsetRectangle OuterHtml OuterText Parent ScrollLeft ScrollRectangle ScrollTop 样式 TabIndex TagName 方法 事件 运算符 HtmlElementCollection HtmlElementErrorEventArgs HtmlElementErrorEventHandler ... Wednesday, December 14, 2011 3:30 AM ✅Answered Hi, we can use the following method to find the root parent except <html> and <body>. <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="
Retrieves the parent element for the given text range. Syntax IHTMLElement retVal = object.parentElement(); Standards information There are no standards that apply here. Parameters This method has no parameters. Remarks The parent element is the element that completely encloses the text in the ...
IHTMLElement retVal = object.parentElement(); ParametersThis method has no parameters.Standards informationThere are no standards that apply here.RemarksThe parent element is the element that completely encloses the text in the range.If the text range spans text in more than one element, this ...
The declaration of the parentElement property on the Node interface in lib.d.ts states that it is of type HTMLElement while it should be Element (see the spec).
HTML Copy Description: If you want to add a new CSS class to the current element's direct parent div, you can use theparentElementproperty. You can also use theparentNodeproperty instead of theparentElement. Once we have the parent element, we can easily add the desired CSS class in the...