Workbooks For Preschool Lifestyle Helpful Tips To Help You Quit Smoking Guide to High Functioning Anxiety and What To Do 6 Benefits of Music Therapy on Mental and Physical Health 25 Anxiety Memes You Can’t Help But Relate To How To Not Stress About School ...
Challenging children usually struggle to manage their emotions and reactions. Sometimes this is a result of anxiety or low self esteem. Sometimes it is in reaction to trauma or family conflict. Sometimes bad behavior is copied, or is simply an attempt to win attention. And, of course, in som...
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health (2024) 18:8 Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health RESEARCH Open Access Piloting a one‑day parent‑only intervention in the treatment of youth with anxiety disorders: child and...
Facing Your Fears: Group Therapy for Managing Anxiety in Children with High-Functioning Autism Spectrum Disorders Facilitator's Manual, Child Workbooks, Parent Workbooks, DVD with sample Facing Your Fears videos Ideal for small groups of 4-5 children but also effective in one- to-one therapy, ...