对于烧烤爱好者,Royal Meat Barbeque 将带给您无与伦比的肉类盛宴。想要体验印度风味,Feast of Dilli 的香料和风味定会让您回味无穷。若您钟情于泰国菜,Chiang Mai Thai Kitchen 以其正宗的泰国风味吸引着众多食客。您也可以尝试 Xawaash,品味其独特的非洲美食。850 Degrees Pizzeria 则以其新鲜出炉的披萨而闻名,...
Chiang Mai Thai Kitchen and Xawaash offer delectable Thai and Somali cuisine respectively, with dishes bursting with aromatic spices and bold flavors. Meat lovers will delight in the offerings at Royal Meat Barbeque, where you can indulge in juicy grilled meats and savory sides. Pizza enthusiasts ...