摘要:workbench计算完结果后,可以在计算完成的Temperature(或者其他的结果也可以)右键->Export...->STL File将其保存成文.stl格式的文件,并且如果在workbench中是半剖视图,那么生成的.stl格式的文件也是半剖视图。 半剖视图的.stl格式的文件可以在para 阅读全文 posted @ 2022-08-23 13:38 希望先生 阅读(608)...
sudo gedit ~/.bashrc//打开编辑器在打开的文本文档里最后一行下另起一行加入下面这句话: export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ParaView-5.12/bin///环境路径 sudo ln -s /opt/ParaView-5.12/bin/paraview /usr/bin/paraview //创建符号链接,表示把/opt/ParaView-5.12/bin/paraview链接到/usr/bin/paraview sudo ln...
TheCatalyst Export Inspectorpanel has been expanded in this release and renamedExport Inspector. Besides exporting Catalyst scripts, it now acts as a central place to define outputs generally. That is, not only does it replace theTemporal Parallelism Batch Script Generator plugin, but you can also ...
[Paraview] export to vectorial image formatNima Emadi [Paraview] export to vectorial image formatDavid E DeMarle [Paraview] ANN: ParaView 3.10.1 Available for download.David Partyka [Paraview] Fwd: ANN: ParaView 3.10.1 Available for download.Cook, Rich ...
boost-stl-interfaces boost-system boost-test boost-thread boost-throw-exception boost-timer boost-tokenizer boost-tti boost-tuple boost-type-erasure boost-type-index boost-type-traits boost-typeof boost-ublas boost-uninstall boost-units boost-unordered boost-utility boost-uuid boost-vari...