Define ectoparasitic. ectoparasitic synonyms, ectoparasitic pronunciation, ectoparasitic translation, English dictionary definition of ectoparasitic. n. A parasite, such as a flea, that lives on the exterior of another organism. ec′to·par′a·sit′ic a
Parasitic copepods Caligus lacustris (Copepoda: Caligidae) on the rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in cage aquaculture: morphology, population demography, and first insights into phylogenetic relationships18S rRNACOIAge structureSex ratioAquacultureRainbow trout...
Aspects of the biology of the parasitic copepods Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus on farmed salmonids, and their treatment The general biology and pathology of Lepeophtheirus salmonis and Caligus elongatus and the prevention and treatment of such 'sea-lice' infestations on farm... R.,...
Ardelli BF, Woo PTK. Therapeutic and prophylactic effects of isometamidium chloride (Samorin) against the hemoflagellateCryptobia salmositicain chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and the effects of the drug on uninfected rainbow trout (O. mykiss). Parasitol Res. 2001;87:18–26. ArticleCAS...
californiensis prevalence and mean intensity exceeding 50 adult copepods. Year and kokanee salmon age/maturity (older/mature) were consistently identified as significant predictors of S . californiensis prevalence/intensity. There was evidence that S . californiensis spread rapidly, but their population ...
Monthly pathological examinations of reintroduced rainbow trout and daily observations have not identified copepods on any rainbow trout in the facility following more than 2 years of exposure to lower Merced River water, which is populated with copepod-infested rainbow trout. We suspect that the ...
Size, behavior, and acquisition of ectoparasitic copepods by brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis . Oikos 61: 169 – 174 .Size, behaviour, and acquisition of ectoparasitic copepods by brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis - A - 1991Poulin R, Curtis MA, Rau ME (1991) Size, behaviour, and acqui-...
Studies the role of host behavior and initial parasite load in the infection of brook trout fry, Salvelinus fontinalis, by ectoparasitic copepods. Two-time exposure of fish to parasites; Significant effect of the presence of copepods on fish behavior; Absence of any clear relationship between ...
Examination of brook trout at Oden Fish Hatchery for parasitic copepods (Salmincola edwardsii) (Fisheries research report: 1048)L. N. Allison
traits among sea lice families. While this experiment concentrated on, and provided a unique insight into EB sensitivity among lice families, the experimental design represents a novel methodology to experimentally address both resistance development and other evolutionary questions in parasitic copepods. ...