Welcome to the PaRappa The Rapper Wiki! This wikia is about the PaRappa The Rapper franchise! PaRappa The Rapper, released on the PS1, was the first rhythm game to succeed in establishing the genre and many rhythm games that followed took inspiration from it. Not only that, but its characte...
PaRappa The Rapper Wiki A running gag involves the top of PaRappa's head which he covers with his beanie, such as in "Hair Scare", where reaching Bad/Awful will causeTakoyamato angrily tell him what's inside it. In the final episode of the anime series, the others saw what was at th...
parappa the rapper是PTR系列的初代作,也是该系列在时间和发行顺序上的第一款游戏,最初于1996年12月6日在日本发行,然后于1997年9月26日在欧洲发行,同年11月19日在北美发行。它在推出两年后发布了第一代PlayStation,由于其革命性的新游戏和简短但有趣的故事,在当时受到了极大的欢迎和好评。它在日本获得了财务上...
Welcome to the PaRappa The Rapper Wiki! This wikia is about the PaRappa The Rapper franchise! PaRappa The Rapper, released on the PS1, was the first rhythm game to succeed in establishing the genre and many rhythm games that followed took inspiration from it. Not only that, but its characte...
Parappa the Rapper This article needs to be wikified (formatted according to theFurry Book of Style). For specifics, check theedit historyandtalk page. Consult theFurry Book of Stylefor editing help. This article needscopyediting(for correct spelling, grammar, usage, etc.)...