The first PaRappa for Playstation was released nearly 10 years ago, and is widely credited with being one of the first rhythm action games – the same kind creating buzz today with titles likeGuitar Hero IIIandRock Band. "Similar to how the hit single ‘Rapper’s Delight’ spawned a genera...
NBA x Parappa The Rapper x WIND AND SEA 三方联名!WIND AND SEA 即将携手 NBA 以及 PlayStation 平台经典游戏《Parappa The Rapper》共同推出合作系列!将 Parappa The Rapper 的生动童趣笔触与极具生命力的篮球元素相融合,创作出多款全新图案在 T 恤、卫衣、夹克、渔夫帽等众多单品上进行演绎。而出镜此次合作...