* To paraphrase is to restate a passage precisely in your own words and phrasing in order to clarify the meaning. * Two points in writing paraphrases: l The meaning of words as used in context l The relationship between words. * You must include all that was in the ...
In modern times, many academic institutions are employing electronic activities and exercises to instruct courses to children both at school and at home. In this essay, I will outline the bad and good impacts of employing electronic activities and exercises on academic development. I will also exam...
Paraphrasing step by step examples (using synonyms) Original sentence: ‘Memory is the capacity for storing and retrieving information’ (Smith, 2021). 1: Choose keywords that cannot be changed Memory has the capacity for storing and retrieving information (Smith, 2021) 2: Find Synonyms for the...
This article promotes the use of paraphrasing exercises as add-ons to information literacy instruction in order for students to gain proficiency in thinking critically about a source and expressing their own voice with the convention of parenthetical citation. Examples are provided for development and ...
•Paraphrasing•hastodowithinterpretationandclarifyingofthe originaltext.•isaboutthesamelength(hasaboutthesame numberofwords)astheoriginalpassage.•shouldnotincludethewordingoftheoriginal passage,nor•shouldnotfollowthesamesentencestructureasthe originalpassage.•Paraphrasedinformationmustbeaccompaniedbya ci...
ParaphrasingExercises 1)‘TheAntarcticisthevastsourceofcoldonourplanet,justasthesunisthesourceofourheat,anditexertstremendouscontrolonourclimate,’JacquesCousteautoldthecamera.‘ThecoldoceanwateraroundAntarcticaflowsnorthtomixwithwarmerwaterfromthetropics,anditsupswellingshelptocool P.E.boththesurfacewaterandour...
I did meet the minimum criteria I needed and all the credit goes to you in helping me achieving the result. Wish you a great day and good health. Take care Rahul Reply Lizsays June 26, 2021 at Thanks for sharing your results. I’m glad to see how well you’ve done – good for ...
• A summary eliminates details, examples, and supporting points. • A paraphrase describes the original text in different words. It does not omit details. Exercises • Paraphrasing the following original texts: Source Materials • Original Source Material: ... constructivist theory rest...
This article promotes the use of paraphrasing exercises as add-ons to information literacy instruction in order for students to gain proficiency in thinking critically about a source and expressing their own voice with the convention of parenthetical citation. Examples are provided for development and ...
•Paraphrasing(释义,解释,重述)is•yourownrenditionorinterpretationofessentialinformationandideasexpressedbysomeoneelse,presentedinanewform.•onelegitimateway(whenaccompaniedbyaccuratedocumentation)toborrowfromasource.•amoredetailedrestatementthanasummary,whichfocusesconciselyonasinglemainidea.Moreaboutparaphrasing ...