- Paraphrase around the central idea of the passage. (围绕文章的中心思想改述。) - 这就像行星(改述后的句子)围绕恒星(中心思想)转动,不管怎么转(改述),都不能离恒星太远(不能偏离中心思想)。 15. “paraphrase off...”,表示“从……改述(偏离)”。 - Don't paraphrase too far off the original...
1. He paraphrased the poem in modern English. 他用现代英语译述这首诗。 paraphrase 网络解释 1. 解释:句子解释(paraphrase)是自2005年以来深圳中考中的一个新题型. 今年解释句题型又做了些许改动,五句话中有两句或者三句有划线部分. 2. 改写:idea改写(paraphrase听写(dictation复述课文(retell)等,使学生进一...
Such styles require you to state the source of the work to guide other writers as well as acknowledge the original author. It highlights the central idea in the author’s work and puts it in the writer’s own voice. Features of summarizing: ...
Such styles require you to state the source of the work to guide other writers as well as acknowledge the original author. It highlights the central idea in the author’s work and puts it in the writer’s own voice. Features of summarizing: A summary tries to pick out the key points in...
Whenyousummarizeyoucondenseanextendedideaorargumentintoasentenceormoreinyourownwords.1)Summary Summaryismostusefulwhenyouwanttorecordthegist(thecentralidea)ofanauthor’sideawithoutthebackgroundorsupportingevidence.Example:Original(28words):ShebroughthomeseveralChineseandEnglishnovels,afewcopiesTime...
" meaning literally "to tell in other words." Just as in the summary process, paraphrasing involves recounting a source's primary material in words that are different than those of the original text. It is essential in paraphrasing, to still communicate the central idea of the words, passage...
The ReadME Project GitHub community articles Repositories Topics Trending Collections Enterprise Enterprise platform AI-powered developer platform Available add-ons Advanced Security Enterprise-grade security features GitHub Copilot Enterprise-grade AI features Premium Support Enterprise-grade 24/7 sup...
extendedideaorargumentintoasentenceor moreinyourownwords. 1)Summary Summaryismostusefulwhenyouwantto recordthegist(thecentralidea)ofanauthor’s ideawithoutthebackgroundorsupporting evidence. Example: Original(28words): ShebroughthomeseveralChineseandEnglishnovels,a ...
3.Povertybeingcausedinthebedmeantthattherichwerenotresponsibleforeitherits creationoritsamelioration.(para6) 贫穷源于过度生育意味着富人不应该为产生贫穷和解决贫穷承担责任 Therichwerenottoblamefortheexistenceofpovertysotheyshouldnotbeaskedto undertakethetaskofsolvingtheproblem. 4.Itismerelytheworkingoutofalawof...
Mitford 9 Citation Summary Paraphrase Direct quotation A combination of these methods 1) Summary When you summarize you condense an extended idea or argument into a sentence or more in your own words. 1) Summary Summary is most useful when you want to record the gist (the central idea) of ...