close() ''' 注意:生成密码的方法 A、进入本地 ssh文件夹 cd .ssh/ B、使用ssh-keygen生产本地公钥和私钥 ssh-keygen root@ubuntu:~/.ssh$ ls id_rsa C、将生成的id_rsa.pub文件中的内容copy到目标机的.ssh/authorized_keys中就可以了,如果没有authorized_keys,自己创建。但是要注意...
LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding this means you need to copy string encodings over from a working system. (it probably only happens on embedded systems, not normal python installs.) Valeriy Pogrebitskiy says the best place to look is ``.../lib/python*...
> client.exec_command('cd directory_name') > client.exec_command('ls') > > However, due to the way exec_command() works it automatically creates > a new session/channel every time. That means the results of the first > command (changing the working directory) does not affect the secon...
defmain():host=''username='root'password='xxxxxxxx123'remotepath='/opt/web/'localpath=r'D:/file/'---存放web.zip地址#删除并创建新的web文件夹printu'开始删除opt下web,并创建新web\n'cmd='cd /opt;rm -rf web;mkdir web;ls'arg='get_pty=True'ssh_client=ssh_c...
$cd~/.ssh $ls Check/.sshdirectory We're looking for keys that begin with the following header: ---BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY---... ---END RSA PRIVATE KEY--- id_rsa Feel free to do the same on your VPS. Starting our Script Let's install...
when: not sw.check_mode And when i run this th elog gives me this 2016-05-16 18:49:47,258: the software upgrade process: /Users/cdassy/Downloads/jinstall-qfx-5-14.1X53-D35.3-domestic-signed.tgz 2016-05-16 18:49:47,258: local checksum on: ...